Welcome to "WE, ISRAELITES" website. We are pleased to present you now the home page of Simeon, the 2nd son of Jacob.
Simeon and his brother Levi are not only co-sanguine, they are also brethren, sharing the same habits. Jacob's revelations are frightening for they recall that Simeon and Levi had blood in their hands for killing their sister's soul mate. Genesis 49:5-7 "... Their swords are weapons of violence for in their anger they killed men.." Consequently, they will live away from each other. as we have noticed. Levi was in southern kingdom while Simeon in northern kingdom. The vison of 2ESDRAS 13:40-48 has provided details about Israelites abandoning a country populated by the Gentiles to go to a distant land never yet inhabited by man after a boat trip lasting one year and half. Thus, they wanted to be free to serve The Most High
Simeon tribe has been scattered throughout the world. We found them in Dominican Republic on the island of Hispaniola that he shares with the Levites in Haiti. Always at a distance, they still share the same customs mainly idolatry and magic.
2KINGS17:22 The children of Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they didn't depart from them; 23 until The LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he spoke by all his servants the prophets. So Israel was carried away out of their own land to Assyria to this day.